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Are NFT traders wash trading?

Many NFT traders are engaging in wash trading, says a new report. The NFT marketplace is rife with people buying their own NFTs in order to drive up prices, according to a report released this week by blockchain data firm Chainalysis.

Are people buying their own NFTS to drive up prices?

The NFT marketplace is rife with people buying their own NFTs in order to drive up prices, according to a report released this week by blockchain data firm Chainalysis. Known as “wash trading”, the act of buying and selling a security in order to fool the market was once commonplace on Wall Street, and has been illegal for nearly a century.

What are NFTs and how do they work?

NFTs are a popular use of blockchain technology, and while many may see it as a passing fad, it is helping to bring knowledge of blockchain technology to the masses with an additional use case. Once you decide on your NFT theme and design, you can select which cryptocurrency to use.

How stable is an NFT?

NFTs usually don’t contain digital assets themselves, so often, any given NFT will only beas stable as the computer (or network) that stores the asset’s file. Even if the computer storing the asset is properly maintained, it’s hard to prevent “bit rot,” or data’s tendency to degrade over time.

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